From Glamis, The Mint, Baja, KOH or on the trails in your neighborhood, ride anywhere and in any conditions with complete confidence knowing you're equipped with the finest Polaris RZR engine protection available!
Dominate the competition and dominate the conditions with unmatched Polaris RZR air filter performance in every measured category from Spyder filtration.
Maximum engine performance, even in the most grueling and dusty conditions!
The same advanced filtration technology that protects the world’s most expensive off-road engines operating in extreme conditions also provides unmatched protection for Polaris RZR 1000 engines. Spyder RZR XP1000 air filters are reusable and guaranteed* to last as long as you own your RZR!
No filter produced today can provide the level of engine protection, clean and loaded airflow, ease of maintenance, durability, longevity and overall value that Spyder advanced technology filters offer Polaris RZR owners.
Maintenance: While fully washable using mild detergents such as Simple Green, etc., you can restore your filter to near-new condition each time in only minutes using compressed air directed from inside-out. No maintenance kits to purchase and Spyder filters never require oiling
From Glamis, The Mint, Baja, KOH or on the trails in your neighborhood, ride anywhere and in any conditions with complete confidence knowing you're equipped with the finest RZR engine protection available!
*You can run our filter for 90 days. If you don't feel it's the best performing filter you have ever used, we'll provide a full refund....including shipping!
In Stock - Normally Ships Within 24 Hrs
Spyder filters exclusive and proprietary Engine Defender Technology™ stops and holds dust 4 ways.
To truly offer the finest engine protection available, it's vital to understand how air filters perform when dealing with sub-micron sized particles.
The chart below indicates particulate size and the percentage in the atmosphere as you ride, regardless of how severe the conditions may be.
Over 98% of the dust you'll encounter is .5 micron or less!
And this fine dust then aglomorates or "clusters together" forming a sinister film or a cake-like sludge in the oil pan.
You often read and hear of overall gravimetric efficiency numbers provided by filter manufacturers and dealers but that doesn't tell the entire story. Rather than provide only overall efficieny, the true measure of filter performance must include how well the products stop and hold particles by fractional measure.
An example is the oiled gauze filter offerings. Listings often indicate 97-98% efficiency and that sounds pretty good. You then hear the unfortunate stories of UTV owners that have experienced major issues in terms of fine dust ingress and the resultant engine damage caused by not filtering fine dust particles.
The reason is that while the overall gravimetric efficiency (by weight) seems to be acceptable, the fractional efficiency or the ability to deal with very fine particles is very poor.
In many cases less than 30% of fine dust is trapped by this filter style and that explains the presence of dust lining the intake components and ultimately, causing damage to your engine. What's incredibly troubling is that particles of this size that are responsible for significant engine damage are often unseen by the naked eye.
You think you're taking proper care and precaution of your expensive vehicle and that the filter is doing a good job... until it's too late.
Laser Particle Measuring -
New Oiled Gauze Filter
Don't Take Chances and Expose Your RZR to Unecesary Risk!
Every Spyder filter designed for severe-duty or high dust environments goes through extensive ISO 16890 particle size testing using lasers to measure and count particles, followed by real-world field testing before being released, assuring you have the finest engine protection available anywhere!.
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Spyder Polaris RZR XP1000 Filters Stop and Hold Particles As Small as .1 Micron, Your RZR engine is fully protected in any conditions!
At Spyder, we design, engineer and manufacture precision filtration products specifically created for the significant demands of high-performance Polaris RZR XP1000 applications!
We engineered our advanced, composite matrix media web to perform vital filtration and permeability functions and this synergy creates an outstanding product that outperforms every other filter designed for the XP1000
We've evaluated them all!
Including the original and blue colored OE versions, the gold/yellow colored media filter that was also cleaned with compressed air and the very expensive filter that is offered with a stud molded in the end cap.
Our staff designed our first high efficiency Polaris RZR filter program in 2014 with outstanding results! Since that time, significant innovations in media technology have allowed us to dramatically improve filter performance and engine protection from ultra-fine dust, while maintaining the long-lasting and easy to service filter design that RZR owners have come to rely on.
Thousands of RZR owners indicated they loved that initial, high effeciency, compressed air cleaned design and we guarantee that you'll enjoy the performance of our new filter even more!
Prior to our design work, extensive evaluations are performed by a team with over thirty years of severe industrial, dirt car and off-road race filtration product experience. In order to produce the best performing air filters in the business, it’s vital to fully understand the environment in which the products will operate.
The lab and test benches tell us a great deal about what Off-Road race teams face in terms of important air filter criteria. We analyze dust loaded filters to determine dust particle size, concentration and the amount of loading that has occurred.
Designing high-performance filters that are unmatched in each category of measurement requires that air flow, gravimetric and fractional efficiency, and dust holding ability are all precisely engineered to ensure maximum performance for each application. Spyder Polaris RZR filters stop and hold particles as small as .1 micron while featuring very high dust holding capability, maximizing power througout your ride!
We tested our filter for over 5 months in every condition imaginable. The end result is a filter that is so effective at keeping Polaris RZR engines spotless, they can stop airborne smoke! Never again will owners have to deal with fine dust visible on the intake as well as what has collected in the oil pan.
Spyder filters dramatically reduce silicon (dust) ingress and oil sample testing routinely shows single-digit ppm counts. No more premature cylinder wall and valve wear caused by dust entering your engine.
*You can run our filter for 90 days. If you don't feel it's the best performing filter you have ever used, we'll provide a full refund....including shipping!
In Stock - Ships Within 24 Hrs
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Our engineering team would be glad discuss it with you.